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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

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Forging Mutual Futures – Co-operative and Mutual Housing in Practice: History & Potential

This study by the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies explores the potential of housing cooperatives and mutual models to address these issues in the UK. It reviews past cooperative housing efforts, identifies factors affecting their success and sustainability, and assesses the potential of expanding these models to provide affordable, sustainable housing solutions.

History United Kingdom Research Paper
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Surrendering the environment for capital gain and Olson’s group theory: A case study of the dissolution of housing cooperative societies in Hong Kong

This paper describes the rise of cooperative housing for civil servants and its fall during the transition of Hong Kong from a British colony to a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China.

History Asia & Pacific Research Paper
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Housing Co-operatives in Germany: 160 Years of Evolution and Resilience

This paper examines the evolution and resilience of housing co-operatives in Germany from their beginning 160 years ago to the present against the backdrop of an ever-changing political, economic,
social, and cultural environment. The authors divide the discussion into five parts: 1803-1914 — The Rise of Housing Co-operatives; 1914-1933 — World War I and the Weimar Republic; 1933-1945 — Destruction of Housing Co-operative Values and Principles, and World War II; 1945-October 1990 — A New Beginning. Housing Co-operatives in East and West Germany; and Post-1990 — From Unification to Today’s Challenges.

History Germany Research Paper
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Housing Policy in the Anglosphere: Social Market Foundation Report Series on Housing

Five reports investigate housing policy from other countries for solutions to the UK’s housing shortage. Each of the five reports is a comparative study of housing policy internationally with a particular focus on Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.

Policy Australia Report
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Living Together for a Better Life: The Impact of Cooperative Housing on Health and Quality of Life

This study explores the mechanisms that explain the relationship between cooperative housing under a Grant-of-use model and health in Catalonia. The benefits are mainly derived from sharing daily life; collectivizing risks and care work; and through the security provided by the long-term grant-of-use model. When public policies recognize, promote, fund & support these new models, it opens the door to an inclusive & transformative model, with the potential to generate healthier, more sustainable, & fairer communities. In conclusion, coop housing under the GoU model can have a positive impact on people’s health and quality of life.

Research Europe Research Paper
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Summary WIFO study: The Economic Impacts of Limited-Profit Housing Associations

There is a growing recognition amongst policymakers of the social and economic benefits of affordable and stable housing markets. Those benefits have been amplified by the ongoing pandemic and the financial difficulties … Read More

Financing and Development Austria Research Paper
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CIRIEC Working Paper: The system of limited-profit housing in Austria: cost-rents, revolving funds, and economic impacts

Limited-profit housing plays a significant role in Austria’s housing market. Around a quarter of all households live in homes owned or managed by a limited-profit housing association (LPHA). These associations are characterised … Read More

Financing and Development Austria Research Paper
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Citizen Financing Mechanisms for Affordable Housing Production in Africa

In December 2020, the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance (CAHF), urbaMonde and urbaSEN signed a partnership agreement to conduct a case study on the collaborative production of affordable housing in Senegal and its financial and legal modeling.

Financing and Development Africa Research Paper
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Revolving Fund for Urban Renewal

The revolving fund for urban renewal is a finan- cing tool created in 2016 for the savings groups organized within the Senegalese Federation of Inhabitants (FSH). It is managed by its technical … Read More

Financing and Development Africa Research Paper
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