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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

If you have a resource to share please email
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Forging Mutual Futures – Co-operative and Mutual Housing in Practice: History & Potential

This study by the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies explores the potential of housing cooperatives and mutual models to address these issues in the UK. It reviews past cooperative housing efforts, identifies factors affecting their success and sustainability, and assesses the potential of expanding these models to provide affordable, sustainable housing solutions.

History United Kingdom Research Paper
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Code of Governance for Community-led Housing (UK-2021)

A Code of Governance outlines a framework for an organization to govern itself effectively. It involves defining and reviewing the purpose, mission, vision, values, structures, standards, policies, strategies, financial arrangements, and potential risks.

Governance United Kingdom Educational
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Housing Policy in the Anglosphere: Social Market Foundation Report Series on Housing

Five reports investigate housing policy from other countries for solutions to the UK’s housing shortage. Each of the five reports is a comparative study of housing policy internationally with a particular focus on Australia, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.

Policy Australia Report
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CLH Training – Governance in Community-led Housing

The policy guidance covers governance, finance, membership, housing management, repairs and maintenance, and agency and employee management. It includes information relevant to different tenures and is aimed at community-led housing organizations.

Governance Europe Educational
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Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust Resources

The Brighton & Hove Community Land Trust (BHCLT) resources page hosts a variety of materials on community-led housing, cooperative models, and land trusts. It provides case studies, guides, policy documents, and research reports to support individuals and groups interested in sustainable and affordable housing solutions in the Brighton & Hove area.

Advocacy United Kingdom Educational
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Capturing the Customer Voice

Resident satisfaction surveys continue to be an essential tool used to shape services, improve ways of working and enhance the customer experience or residents across the housing sector. In 2011, HouseMark launched … Read More

Research United Kingdom Research Paper
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From Conflict to Cooperation

These five booklets cover basic communication concepts, making meetings more effective, dealing with conflict, improving communication, and the vital role of the board.

Financing and Development United Kingdom Educational
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Community Land Trusts in England: A Study of an Emerging Typology

The aim of this masters thesis by Dave Smith is to establish an emerging, consistent typology that could be termed an ‘English Community Land Trust’ – one distinct from that of other affordable housing providers; … Read More

Research United Kingdom
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How Scottish Housing Coops Build Communities

A Scottish study, published in 2019, contains case studies demonstrating how housing co-ops in Glasgow and Edinburgh have delivered benefits for Scottish communities and calls on the Scottish government to encourage more of them.  The sector is still very limited, with just 11 registered and several more unregistered housing co-ops in Scotland, compared with 685 across the UK.

Financing and Development United Kingdom
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