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- ACDI Multipurpose Cooperative
- Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich
- Baugenossenschaft mehr als wohnen
- Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
- Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada
- Conavicoop
- Confcooperative Habitat
- Confederation of Cooperative Housing (CCH)
- Coop Cameroon
- Coop Housing Central Union (CHCU)
- Cooperative House-Building and Finance Corporation Ltd
- Cooperative Housing Ireland
- Federación de Cooperativas de Vivienda (FECOVI)
- Federation of Peoples’ Sustainable Development Cooperative (FPSDC)
- FenacoHAB
- GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V (GDW) (Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies)
- Habicoop
- HSB Riksförbund (National Association of Tenants’ Savings and Building Society)
- Karachi Cooperative Housing Societies Union
- Legacoop Abitanti
- Malaysian National Cooperative Movement [ANGKASA]
- National Association of Housing Cooperatives
- Norske Boligbyggelags Landsforbund SA (NBBL) (The Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway)
- North American Students for Cooperation
- Österreichischer Verband Gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen - Revisionsverband / Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations
- Riksbyggen / The Cooperative Housing Organization
- Slovenský zväz bytových družstiev (SZBD) (Slovak Union of Housing Cooperatives)
- Sostre Cívic
- Student Co-operative Homes
- Svaz Ceskych a Moravskych Bytovych Druzstev (SCMBD) (Union of Czech and Moravian Housing Co-operatives)
- The Co-operative Development Society Ltd / CDS Co-operatives
- The General Authority for Construction and Housing Cooperatives (CHC)
- The Union of Housing Cooperatives in Palestine (PUHC)
- We Effect
- Zimbabwe National Association of Housing Cooperatives (ZINAHCO)