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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

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MOBA: Rethinking needs and financing for affordable rental and cooperative housing in Central and South-Eastern Europe

A 2022 research project in eight Central and South-Eastern European countries found that the currently available housing finance tools are inadequate to support the emergence of affordable rental and cooperative housing in the region. MOBA Housing SCE aims to solve this problem by creating a bottom-up revolving fund to financially support local projects.

Financing and Development Europe News Article
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International Policies to Promote Cooperative Housing

This publication offers an international review of the legal tools and public policies available to different levels of government to promote housing cooperatives. It also brings together policies that shape the production phase, impact housing management, and focus on maintaining the model over time. It is based on the analysis of case studies of cities, regions and countries where public policies have played a significant role in promoting housing cooperatives.

Policy Europe Report
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Living Together for a Better Life: The Impact of Cooperative Housing on Health and Quality of Life

This study explores the mechanisms that explain the relationship between cooperative housing under a Grant-of-use model and health in Catalonia. The benefits are mainly derived from sharing daily life; collectivizing risks and care work; and through the security provided by the long-term grant-of-use model. When public policies recognize, promote, fund & support these new models, it opens the door to an inclusive & transformative model, with the potential to generate healthier, more sustainable, & fairer communities. In conclusion, coop housing under the GoU model can have a positive impact on people’s health and quality of life.

Research Europe Research Paper
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CLH Training – Governance in Community-led Housing

The policy guidance covers governance, finance, membership, housing management, repairs and maintenance, and agency and employee management. It includes information relevant to different tenures and is aimed at community-led housing organizations.

Governance Europe Educational
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Precarious Housing in Europe by PusH Partners

Check out this project called Precarious Housing in Europe by PusH Partners. As part of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership of seven European institutions, they are developing various small, interdisciplinary open-access textbooks as … Read More

Advocacy Europe Educational
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Land & Financing for Community-led Housing – Sostre Civic’s Experience

Sostre Civic is a “right to use” housing cooperative based in Catalonia, Spain. The cooperative promotes an alternative housing access model that is achieved through discovery, counsel, funding research, promotion and management. … Read More

Financing and Development Europe Presentation
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Collab Mapping

The “Mapping social innovation and collaboration in housing – Co-Lab Mapping” is a project developed in collaboration with TU Delft, Urbamonde, and with support of the Dutch architecture firm Inbo. The Co-Lab … Read More

Research Europe Educational
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Socially Oriented Cooperative Housing as Alternative to Housing Speculation

National housing systems increasingly combine three main types of housing: the private property sector (homeownership and private rental), social and public rental (public and non-profit sectors), and cooperative (social or civil economy). … Read More

Research Europe Research Paper
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The state of Housing in Europe in 2021

offers concrete policy recommendations on how to overcome substantial challenges to decent, sustainable, inclusive, affordable housing.

Governance Europe Report
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