Confederation of Co-operative Housing Celebrates 30 Years of Advocacy and Progress in the UK
The anniversary publication, The Confederation of Co-operative Housing: 30 Years of Hope, Inspiration and Belief, reflects on CCH’s journey from its inception in the early 1990s in response to shifting government policies. The report highlights CCH’s resilience and evolution, adapting to both support its members and advocate for cooperative housing models as a credible alternative to traditional housing frameworks.
Forging Mutual Futures – Co-operative and Mutual Housing in Practice: History & Potential
This study by the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies explores the potential of housing cooperatives and mutual models to address these issues in the UK. It reviews past cooperative housing efforts, identifies factors affecting their success and sustainability, and assesses the potential of expanding these models to provide affordable, sustainable housing solutions.
Surrendering the environment for capital gain and Olson’s group theory: A case study of the dissolution of housing cooperative societies in Hong Kong
This paper describes the rise of cooperative housing for civil servants and its fall during the transition of Hong Kong from a British colony to a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China.
Housing Co-operatives in Germany: 160 Years of Evolution and Resilience
This paper examines the evolution and resilience of housing co-operatives in Germany from their beginning 160 years ago to the present against the backdrop of an ever-changing political, economic,
social, and cultural environment. The authors divide the discussion into five parts: 1803-1914 — The Rise of Housing Co-operatives; 1914-1933 — World War I and the Weimar Republic; 1933-1945 — Destruction of Housing Co-operative Values and Principles, and World War II; 1945-October 1990 — A New Beginning. Housing Co-operatives in East and West Germany; and Post-1990 — From Unification to Today’s Challenges.