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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

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Housing Co-operatives in Germany: 160 Years of Evolution and Resilience

This paper examines the evolution and resilience of housing co-operatives in Germany from their beginning 160 years ago to the present against the backdrop of an ever-changing political, economic,
social, and cultural environment. The authors divide the discussion into five parts: 1803-1914 — The Rise of Housing Co-operatives; 1914-1933 — World War I and the Weimar Republic; 1933-1945 — Destruction of Housing Co-operative Values and Principles, and World War II; 1945-October 1990 — A New Beginning. Housing Co-operatives in East and West Germany; and Post-1990 — From Unification to Today’s Challenges.

History Germany Research Paper
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Social, affordable and co-operative housing in Europe – Case studies from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark

The Housing Agency of Ireland compiled 44 case studies from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The case studies respond to the various challenges of providing adequate housing.  The report includes public projects led by government or city authorities, mixed-tenure private developments, and collective schemes led by residents. Like Ireland, all the selected countries have an established tradition of providing housing that is not purely market-oriented to meet a portion of their housing need.

Austria Report
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How Can Housing Co-operatives Contribute to Reducing Climate Change?

This paper brings some new insights to the significant role that the housing cooperatives can play in energy-efficiency in housing, aiming to fill the existent gap in the literature in this field. Paper written for the Enhr Conference in Toulouse July 2011 by Enkeleda Kadriu and Dr Gabriele Wendorf

Sustainability Germany
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Sustainable Forest Management: Best Practice Germany

The report focuses on using sustainable timber and forest products in residential construction in the German cooperative housing market.

Sustainability Germany
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Suggested Readings – Professor Munkner, respected European co-operative expert

One of the most respected co-operative experts in Europe, Prof. Munkner has produced a glossary of co-operative terms which is available in German, English, Polish, Arabic, and Korean. If interested please contact: … Read More

Financing and Development Germany
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