International measures to channel investment towards affordable rental housing: Austrian case study
This Western Australian Government report reviews Austria’s financing model for affordable housing, focusing on limited-profit housing associations and Housing Construction Convertible Bonds (HCCBs). Austria’s model leverages low-interest loans, subsidies, and private investment to keep housing costs down. The report recommends Australia explore similar strategies to enhance affordable housing through stable subsidies, support for low-income access, and competitive land development.
Mission d’étude québécoise à Vienne, 8 au 14 octobre 2023
Du 8 au 14 octobre 2023, s’est tenue dans la ville de Vienne en Autriche une mission d’études québécoise du Canada pour mieux saisir les fondements de la capitale autrichienne sur le plan de l’engagement en matière de logement social et communautaire.
Summary WIFO study: The Economic Impacts of Limited-Profit Housing Associations
There is a growing recognition amongst policymakers of the social and economic benefits of affordable and stable housing markets. Those benefits have been amplified by the ongoing pandemic and the financial difficulties … Read More
CIRIEC Working Paper: The system of limited-profit housing in Austria: cost-rents, revolving funds, and economic impacts
Limited-profit housing plays a significant role in Austria’s housing market. Around a quarter of all households live in homes owned or managed by a limited-profit housing association (LPHA). These associations are characterised … Read More
Social, affordable and co-operative housing in Europe – Case studies from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark
The Housing Agency of Ireland compiled 44 case studies from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The case studies respond to the various challenges of providing adequate housing. The report includes public projects led by government or city authorities, mixed-tenure private developments, and collective schemes led by residents. Like Ireland, all the selected countries have an established tradition of providing housing that is not purely market-oriented to meet a portion of their housing need.
Australia Looks at Austria for Affordable Housing Financing Models
Australia Looks at Austria for Affordable Housing Financing Models