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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

If you have a resource to share please email
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Case Study: Community Land Trust Foundation of British Columbia (Canada)

The case study’s analysis of CLTFBC’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats provide valuable insights for other CLTs looking to adopt a supportive coop housing approach. As housing unaffordability has escalated to a crisis level, there is growing recognition of the value of coop housing and community land trusts (CLTs) in providing secure and affordable tenure to renters in Canada.

Advocacy Canada Study
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Forging Mutual Futures – Co-operative and Mutual Housing in Practice: History & Potential

This study by the Centre for Urban & Regional Studies explores the potential of housing cooperatives and mutual models to address these issues in the UK. It reviews past cooperative housing efforts, identifies factors affecting their success and sustainability, and assesses the potential of expanding these models to provide affordable, sustainable housing solutions.

History United Kingdom Research Paper
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Housing Co-ops Are Getting More Affordable: Report

This Canadian report, released in November 2022, compares the occupancy charges (rents) of rental housing co-ops to those of similar rental properties in the private market. The study examined housing charges in Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Toronto, and Ottawa between 2006 and 2021.

Policy Canada Study
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Les coopératives d’habitation au Canada deviennent plus abordables : rapport

Ce rapport canadien, publié en novembre 2022, compare les droits d’occupation (loyers) des coopératives d’habitation à loyer à ceux d’immeubles locatifs similaires sur le marché privé. L’étude a examiné les droits d’occupation des villes de Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Toronto et Ottawa entre 2006 et 2021.

Policy Canada Study
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Trends in Shared Equity Housing

“Trends in Shared Equity Housing” is a working paper commissioned by The Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) on the models, their history, and financing and technical assistance needs by researchers from The Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University

Financing and Development United States of America Report
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International Policies to Promote Cooperative Housing

This publication offers an international review of the legal tools and public policies available to different levels of government to promote housing cooperatives. It also brings together policies that shape the production phase, impact housing management, and focus on maintaining the model over time. It is based on the analysis of case studies of cities, regions and countries where public policies have played a significant role in promoting housing cooperatives.

Policy Europe Report
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