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What Is Co-operative and Mutual Housing?

No two co-operative and mutual housing schemes are the same. Part of what makes it successful is its ability to enable local people to develop housing in the way that is right for them.

The common factors that identify them and make them successful are:

  1. A co-operative and mutual housing scheme has a community membership where those who live in homes developed are required or are encouraged to become members – in some cases – alongside other local community members
  2. That community membership is able to democratically control the housing organisation in some way through general meetings of the organisation

Co-operative and mutual housing organisations:

  • may own (either through freehold or leasehold) and/or manage their homes
  • may be small or large
  • may have a variety of different methods of achieving their objectives

The most comprehensive analysis of the co-operative and mutual housing sector can be found in the UK sector’s Bringing Democracy Home

Community United Kingdom
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