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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

If you have a resource to share please email
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The Confederation of Co-operative Housing accreditation framework for housing co-operatives and their service providers

In 2010 the Confederation of Co-operative Housing in the UK developed an accreditation programme for housing co-ops and their service providers. The Confederation of Co-operative Housing accreditation framework for housing co-operatives and their service providersRead More

Management United Kingdom
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The Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade – An Interpretive Statement for Canada’s Housing Co-ops

In 2012, the General Assembly of the International Co-operative Alliance developed the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade. The Blueprint is intended as a legacy of the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives. Its five elements unite co-operatives worldwide as a distinct form of sustainable, people-centred enterprise.Read More

Management Canada
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Sustainable Forest Management: Best Practice Canada

Canada has approximately 400 million hectares of forest land and almost 94 % of this is publicly owned and managed by the government on behalf of Canadians. The forests are managed under very tough laws and as a result of these la ...Read More

Sustainability Canada
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Sustainable Forest Management: Best Practice Germany

The report focuses on using sustainable timber and forest products in residential construction in the German cooperative housing market.Read More

Sustainability Germany
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Environment Sustainability and Climate Change Seminars

To further our commitment towards sustainable sources of timber and forest products and to provide co-operators more information on the certification programmes and successful sustainable initiatives, CHI organized a seminar on S ...Read More

Sustainability Global
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Housing Co-operatives and Climate Change

ICA members adopted a resolution at the 2007 General Assembly calling on the co-operative movement to do its share in combating climate changes. The resolution suggests three ways on how the co-op movement can act now: Measure and ...Read More

Sustainability Global
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Legal Frameworks for Housing Co-operatives: Seminars

As part of CHI's plan to map its activities to the International Co-operative Alliance's Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade, CHI held a seminar on one of the Blueprint elements:  Legal Frameworks for Housing Co-operatives. “Co ...Read More

Legal Global
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Profiles of a Movement: Co-operative Housing around the World – Volume Two

Volume 2 of the Profiles of a Movement concentrates on the African continent. We are pleased to present the remarkable work achieved by the African co-operators, work accomplished in a very challenging environment. These profil ...Read More

Community Global
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Financing and Climate Change Seminars

Seminars about continued public sector investment in co-operative housing in Austria and Canada, innovative funding arrangements created by the co-operative housing sector in Italy and harnessing member investment through co-opera ...Read More

Financing and Development Global
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