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Welcome to Cooperative Housing International’s resources section. In this section you will find up-to-date information from around the world. We aim to give housing coops tools and resources required for their work and to keep you informed on issues affecting housing.

If you have a resource to share please email
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New Housing Program Launches to Support Affordable, Resilient Housing for Global Communities

Swedish organizations and CHI members, We Effect, HSB, and Riksbyggen are joining forces to launch an international housing program focused on expanding access to adequate housing for people facing poverty. By leveraging Sweden’s cooperative housing expertise, this collaboration aims to support low-income communities worldwide in organizing, building skills, and securing financing for housing initiatives.

Community Africa Report
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Securing reliable co-operative capital for housing co-operatives in Sweden

This presentation on access to capital for housing cooperatives is about raising financing for building new and renovating existing housing co-operatives while guaranteeing member control. It provides an overview of the co-operative … Read More

Financing and Development Sweden Presentation
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Sustainable Forest Management: Best Practice Sweden

HSB Trädgården Housing Cooperative in Luleå, Sweden Located just two kilometres from central Luleå in the northern part of Sweden, a tenant-owned housing cooperative is under construction. Great care has been taken … Read More

Sustainability Sweden
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HSB Sweden – Living Lab

The HSB Living Lab is a research project taking place in a specially built residential building for students, located on the Chalmers campus in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Sustainability Sweden
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