Getting our Co-op Principles Right
Getting our Co-op Principles Right is a short guide to the international co‑op principles, and what they mean for governance in housing co‑ops. It is intended as a companion to Getting Governance Right, a Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada 2020 Vision publication on good governance and principled leadership.
This guide is also a 2020 Vision publication. CHF Canada’s 2020 Vision Project is all about strengthening their co‑ops and the movement as they prepare for the future. That means getting the management in order, making sure they can look after properties, planning for the co‑op’s financial security, and so on.
But 2020 Vision is also about affirming co‑op values. There is no better foundation on which to build those values than the seven principles of international co‑operation – principles that carry forward and build on the values of the original pioneers of the international co‑op movement.