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This Week in the News – July 19th, 2021

Here are the top stories for the week of July 19th, 2021.


Chan Hong, Minsnail Housing Co-op Podcast (South Korea)

In this episode, we talk to Chang Hong, Facility Manager for Minsnail Housing Co-op in the Republic of South Korea. Chan discusses the origins and evolution of Minsnail Housing Co-op. It started off as a student housing civil organization in Seoul, South Korea that sought to create more affordable housing for students and young people. Ten years later, Minsnail Housing Co-op has 15 homes in three different cities. Join us for this conversation with Chan and find out more about Minsnail’s journey since 2011 and what the co-op is planning for the future.

Listen to this episode on your favourite podcast listening platform or watch on YouTube here.


En Suisse, on vit de plus en plus seul (Switzerland)

Nous vivons toujours plus seuls. Et si nous manquions de chiffres pour entériner cet état de fait, une projection de l’OFS publiée cette semaine vient à la rescousse. Depuis 1990, les ménages suisses constitués d’une seule personne sont les plus nombreux, et le scénario examiné d’ici à 2050 montre que la tendance se poursuivra: les ménages d’une personne subiront l’accroissement le plus marqué. Ils passeront de 1,4 à 1,8 million, soit une augmentation de 30%. Pourquoi cette multiplication des mono-foyers, et quelles sont leurs conséquences? Le Tempsa posé la question à Luca Pattaroni, maître d’enseignement et de recherche au laboratoire de sociologie urbaine de l’EPFL. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.


New Support for Tenants (Scotland)

The Scottish Federation of Housing Association (SFHA) has welcomed the Scottish Government’s announcement of a new £10 million grant fund for tenants who have fallen into rent arrears as a result of the pandemic as well as a national awareness-raising campaign that will target all renters.

SFHA said it is these measures – and not extended notice periods for eviction orders – that will help tenants to remain in their homes.

Click here to read more.


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